Storm Water
Stormwater Prevention/Management Plan
Storm Water Township Letter:
In accordance with our NJDEP Municipal Stormwater obligations, the Township has adopted various Ordinances to regulate the impact of stormwater runoff and pollutants on the environment. As part of our Local Public Education Program, the purpose of this letter is to highlight the requirements and environmental benefits of these Ordinances.
Litter: This Ordinance states that it is unlawful to throw, drop, discard, or otherwise place litter of any nature upon any public or private property, other than in a litter The purpose of the Ordinance is to prevent unsightly and unsanitary conditions and prevent litter from impacting waterways.
Illegal Dumping: It is unlawful for any person to discard or dump any household or commercial solid waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, vehicle or vehicle parts, rubber tires, appliances, furniture, or private property in any place not specifically designated for The purpose of the Ordinance is to prevent unsightly and unsanitary conditions and prevent litter from impacting waterways.
Inoperable vehicles: It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or permit the keeping on private property, except in a fully enclosed structure, any motor vehicle which does not display a current, valid state license. One purpose of this ordinance is to prevent groundwater pollution due to leakage of oil, fluid, or gasoline.
Littering in waters: No person shall throw or deposit litter in any pond, lake, stream, bay or any other body of water in a park or elsewhere within the Township. The purpose of this Ordinance is to prevent litter from impacting waterways and unsightly conditions.
Pet Waste: This Ordinance requires pet owners to pick up and properly dispose of pet waste dropped on public or other people’s property. It prevents fecal contamination from impacting the local waterways.
The transport of pollutants into local water bodies can result in the destruction of fish, wildlife, and habitats; threats to public health and the loss of recreational and aesthetic value.
Mannington Township has enacted the above Ordinances to protect our environment, and to keep pollutants that are commonly conveyed by stornwater from adversely impacting our waterways and groundwater supplies. These Ordinances can be found the Code of Mannington Township.
Litter & Recycling Tips
- Reduce, reuse and recycle materials whenever possible to create less waste, which could end up on our streets and contribute to stormwater pollution.
- Pick up trash and litter on your property and put it in the
trash. Always use a public trash can for trash in public
areas. Recycle any reusable materials, especially cans,
bottles and paper. NEVER throw litter and debris directly into storm drains. Such debris can wash into waterways and onto beaches, and clogged drains can cause street flooding and traffic congestion. - Always put your cigarette butts in ashtrays or solid garbage cans, not on the streets. Remember, our parks, playgrounds and beaches are not ashtrays. When an ashtray or garbage can are not available, store extinguished butts in your cigarette pack until you find a proper receptacle.
- Empty automobile ashtrays into the trash, not out your car window or directly on the ground. Proper disposal will help keep our waterways clean and minimize the risk of fires.
- Make sure to properly dispose of leftover household chemicals, paints and automotive fluids. These leftover chemicals should never be thrown away. Take them to a household hazardous waste collection center where they can be recycled. To find a center near you, visit
Vehicle & Garage Tips
Your everyday activities can affect water quality. Help reduce the amount of pollution that flows into our waterways by following the tips below.
- Take your car to a service center to change oil or antifreeze. If you do change your own oil or antifreeze, do it in a garage, never on the street. Use a self-contained oil pan and discard the oil at a local service center for recycling. NEVER discard oil, gas or antifreeze into a stormwater drain. Antifreeze should be discarded at a household hazardous waste facility. Visit for a list of local household hazardous waste facilities.
- If you spill hazardous fluids, contain it immediately with rags or cat litter. Clean up the spill and properly dispose of the waste.
- Check your car for leaks and schedule regular tune-ups. If you find leaks or drips, have your car repaired.
- Store hazardous materials properly to prevent spills. Store them in the original closed container.
Using Water Wisely in the Garden
Why does water conservation become an issue only during droughts or seasons of insufficient rainfall? As our population and economy continue to expand, experts warn that even normal rainfall may be incapable of meetin of water needs. Conserving water outside the home is as important as practicing conservation measures inside the home. Our water use typically doubles during the gardening season. We need to annually evaluate how this additional water is utilized. Planning for and practicing water conservation in the landscape can actually increase plant success during times of drought. Properly selected, sited and planted within the landscape, these trees, shrubs, or other plants may have decreased demand for water, require less maintenance such as pruning and fertilizing, and provide additional protection for your landscape investment for years to come.
“But what can I do?”
In General:
- Improve the water-holding capacity of your
soil by incorporating compost or other organic matter into the soil. Organic matter will
help poorly drained soils drain better and will
help droughty soils retain moisture. - Select and plant drought tolerant varieties. They require less water and will survive times of mandatory water use restrictions.
- Repair all leaks in your hoses and faucets. Leaks like these can easily waste 10 gallons of water a day, totaling 3,650 gallons a year. Use a pistol-grip nozzle that shuts off when you are not using it. Turn off faucets not in use.
- Collect rainwater, sump water, or water condensed by air conditioner units or dehumidifiers for later use in the garden. The use of other waste or “gray water” for garden irrigation may vary or be restricted in your area. Please contact your state or local Health Department for current regulations.
- Know how to water. Roughly translated, one inch of rainfall equates to 65 gallons of water spread over an area of 100 square feet. Your water pressure and sprinkler system can help you determine how best to supply water to your landscape.
- Water use should be timed for maximum efficiency. Water early in the morning when demand is low, landscape plants and turf will not be stressed, and little water can be lost to evaporation.
- Avoid sprinklers that produce a fine mist and avoid watering in windy weather. This will minimize water loss to wind and evaporation. Keep sprinkler heads clean to prevent uneven watering and clogging.
- Wherever possible, replace conventional overhead sprinklers with drip or trickle irrigation. Using a soaker hose around new plantings can reduce water use by 25 to 50% while supplying an adequate amount of water directly to the root area.
- Avoid overwatering. Properly calibrate your automatic sprinkler system or time your manual watering, applying water only as fast as the soil can absorb. Watering should be based upon soil moisture levels and plant requirements rather than a set schedule or air temperature. Make sure to check your irrigation system regularly, avoiding additional watering during rainfall.
- Use mulch wherever possible, but sparingly. Root development of shrubs and trees is greatly enhanced by the use of mulch inside the dripline of the plant. This will also slow the loss of soil moisture, prevent runoff and erosion, and control weeds. Do not pile mulch against the base of young trees or shrubs, and keep the mulch depth to no more than 2 to 3 inches.
In the Vegetable Garden:
When there is no rain, water shallow-rooted vegetables (lettuce, corn, or cabbage) twice a week, with approximately one-half inch per watering. Deeper-rooted vegetables like tomatoes, squash, and peppers should receive a weekly, 1- inch watering.
Many vegetables have critical periods of growth during which irrigation is absolutely essential. Cucumbers, for example, must have water from flowering through fruit set, while peppers require a steady supply of moisture from seedling to maturity. Onions and muskmelons, however, require less moisture as they begin to mature. Larger gardens may benefit from a trickle or drip irrigation system, while smaller gardens can be easily irrigated by hand.
The use of mulch will help to reduce the competition of weeds while retaining moisture levels in the soil. Grass clippings, compost, and other organic mulches often need additional nitrogen as they decompose. Landscape fabric spread under the mulch may also help reduce weeds, but provides little benefit in retaining soil moisture.
In the Flower Bed:
Mints, perennial salvias, and composites (like coreopsis, rudbeckia, and purple coneflower) are drought tolerant.
Many ornamental grasses and plants with succulent foliage (sedums, hens and chicks, and cacti) have low water requirements. Plants that mature early (like spring-flowering bulbs) or late (like autumn-blooming crocus or lycoris where the foliage dies back in the summer) are good selections because they do most of their growing when water is plentiful.
Proper design and planting for water demand are key components in any successful flower garden. Impatiens and astilbe, for example, can be grown in full sunlight, but will have a much greater water demand. It is much easier, more rewarding, and less exasperating to select and plant sun and shade-tolerant varieties according to their preferred growing recommendations.
Trees & Shrubs:
Consider plants and varieties based on their water requirements. Some good drought tolerant trees are Hedge maple (Acer campestre), Hawthorne (Crataegus spp.), Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris), Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), and Amur Cork Tree (Phellodendron amurense). Ash, oak, ginkgo, thornless honey locust, blue atlas cedar, crabapple, and Colorado and white spruce are also good selections.
Shrubs tolerant of dry soil conditions include: Korean barberry (Berberis koreana), Cotoneaster, Cherry elaeagnus (Elaeagnus multiflora), and St. Johnswort (Hypericum kalmianum). Hollies, lilacs, yews, and junipers are also excellent selections. To care for young and newly transplanted trees and shrubs, provide weekly watering. Soak rooting areas well, preferably to a depth of 8 to 10 inches, protect area from foot traffic, and remove competing turf under the tree and replace with 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch. Broadleaf evergreens may become susceptible to foliage damage from winter desiccation. Consider applying an anti-transpirant for winter protection, especially if these plants have a southwest exposure. Be sure to follow label instructions.
Established and mature shade trees can also be protected from the ill effects of drought by fall applications of deep root fertilization, corrective pruning of dead, dying, or unnecessary growth, and the control of primary leaf feeding pests such as mites, leaf hoppers, and aphids. Trees suffering from drought stress are also susceptible to secondary pests such as cankers and borers, and may require additional control measures. For large, valuable and extensive tree plantings, consider engaging the services of a reputable, professional tree care company.
Turf & Lawns:
Management to maintain your lawn should be based upon a complete soil test. Acid soil conditions may restrict root growth of some turf varieties, increasing their susceptibility to drought damage. Increase your mower blade height to decrease water loss and increase shade to the crown. In times of insufficient rainfall or irrigation regulations, postpone seeding or sodding new lawns until the early fall months and reduce nitrogen fertilizer use. Restrict traffic on the lawn, especially when it is heat stressed or dormant. Avoid daily light waterings to decrease disease pressure and encourage deeper root growth. Water as infrequently as possible, applying 1 to 1.5 inches of water once a week on heavy (clayey) soils or .5 to .75 inches twice a week on light (sandy) soils when natural rainfall is deficient. Without sufficient water, lawns will turn brown and become dormant. Turf that enters dormancy gradually has a better chance of full recovery. The longer the dormancy, the longer the recovery time required. In severe cases, turf failure may require complete renovation with seed or sod. Anticipate greater weed problems in your lawn during the spring following a season of drought or dry soil conditions.
These pages contain some practical tips for conserving water use throughout your garden and landscape. Only you can take the lead in deciding to make these water-saving practices an integral part of your garden planning and maintenance.
Some of this information is compiled from previously published Rutgers Cooperative Extension bulletins. For further information and greater details, please consult these publications, available through the RCE web site or the Rutgers Cooperative Extension County office listed in the phone book under County Government