Housing / Zoning

Robert Schmid – Housing/Zoning Officer  ♦     ♦  856-935-2359 x104  ♦  Fax: 856-935-6557

Hours: Thursdays 3:45-4:30 PM

Zoning Map PDF

Zoning Permits – $50.00  ♦   Zoning Permit Application
Submit the completed application with payment of $50 and a plot plan drawing showing distances from property lines and other structures to Robert Schmid, Mannington Township Zoning Officer, using any of the below methods:

  • In person on Thursdays, 3:45pm to 4:30pm
  • Mail to: Mannington Township Zoning Officer, 491 Route 45, Mannington, NJ 08079
  • Drop off at Clerk’s office or drop box

Certificate Of Occupancy – $50.00  ♦  FORMS:  Certificate of Occupancy  /  Housing Officer Checklist  /

Landlord Identity Law Certificate of Registration Form –  Download PDF

Other document downloads may be found on the Boards & Commissions page under Planning Board.

If you have any questions, Email Mr. Schmid at:   OR call: 856-935-2359 x 104 and leave a message on his voicemail.